Sermon Archive (Page 32)

Stand Up For Jesus

Acts 4:13-22 — When Peter and John were dragged before the Jewish council for preaching the Gospel, they displayed great courage. They were plain and direct in answering their accusers and they refused to be silenced. As our society begins to turn against many of the beliefs that Christians have historically confessed, there is a growing…

Essential Oil

Exodus 30:22-33 — In this text we have the recipe for a special oil that was to be used to anoint all of the objects in the Tabernacle, the tent itself and the priests. We begin with a little study on the ingredients of this oil and then we talk about five of its most…

Other Things First

Luke 9:57-62 — “Lord, I will follow thee; but let me first…” In this passage we witness Jesus’ interaction with three disciples who expressed a desire to follow Him. Rather than affirming the first disciple, Jesus told him what following Him would cost. The second and third disciple each offered an excuse as to why they…

Caesar & Jesus

Luke 23:1-2, John 18:30-19:33 — “If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar’s friend…” There is one person who looms large over the account of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion who we don’t think about very much. He wasn’t there, but his influence most certainly was. His voice was never heard, but he was on…

The Weeping King

Luke 19:41-44 — “And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it…” For those who love the Lord Jesus, Palm Sunday feels so right, for it seems as though Jesus was finally being treated in an appropriate way. For a brief moment Jesus was not despised and rejected but rather adored…