Sermons on Christian Life (Page 9)

Rahab’s Conversion

Joshua 2:9-11 — “The LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath…” The Children of Israel were on the verge of crossing over the Jordan River and possessing their Promised Land. As he stood on the banks of the Jordan, Joshua, the leader of the nation, knew that the first…

12 Men Went To Spy Out Canaan

Numbers 13 — The story of the 12 spies who were sent in the Canaan is one that many Christians have been hearing since their Sunday School years! In this sermon we hope to approach it with fresh eyes and take from it three simple truths for our Christian lives. When we look carefully we…


II Chronicles 34 — In this sermon we consider the rise and fall of the boy king Joash and we discover a story filled with importance for Christians today. It highlights the influence that Christians have in the lives of others. It illustrates the dangers of a shallow faith and outward conformity. It speaks of…

Stand Up For Jesus

Acts 4:13-22 — When Peter and John were dragged before the Jewish council for preaching the Gospel, they displayed great courage. They were plain and direct in answering their accusers and they refused to be silenced. As our society begins to turn against many of the beliefs that Christians have historically confessed, there is a growing…

Are You Religious?

James 1:26-27 — “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” Many followers of the Lord Jesus Christ are uncomfortable with being called “religious.” Evangelical Christians tend to associate “religion” with works righteousness. It consists of performing…

He Loved His Bride

Genesis 23 — Abraham lived for many years in the land of Canaan as a nomad. He moved from place to place with his household and his flocks. When Sarah died he decided to purchase some land in which to bury her. This land would become his family’s ancestral burial ground. The local lord of the…