Colossians 1:18a — The focus shifts in this study from Jesus as He stands in relation to creation, to Jesus as He stands in relation to the church – He is the head of the church. (And no one else!)
I Samuel 17 – What became of Goliath’s head? And what could that possibly teach us about the Christian life?
Genesis 8:15-22
Colossians 1:17 — In this lesson we learn more about the cosmic significance of Jesus Christ. Paul teaches us that Jesus prevents the universe from falling apart, from dissolving into non-existence!
Acts 11:19-24 –There’s a turning point in the book of Acts and the history of Christianity in this text, the Church as we know it begins to come to fruition and function as Christ intended.
Colossians 1:16 — In this study we see Jesus as He stands in relation to the universe. The Apostle Paul explains to us that He is the source of creation, the agent of creation and the end of creation.
Colossians 1:15b — Paul refers to Jesus as the “firstborn of every creature.” What does this mean? Is Jesus, God’s only begotten Son, a created being? This study provides an answer to this important question and similar ones concerning the identity of Jesus.
Colossians 1:15a — In Colossians chapter 1 verses 15-20, the Apostle Paul presents us with an awe-inspiring portrait of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the words of the noted Bible teacher John MacArthur, “This dramatic and powerful passage removes any needless doubt or confusion over Jesus’ true identity.” As we begin studying this passage, we…
Colossians 1:12-14 — We forget don’t we? We forget what God has done for us through the work of His Son. Our hearts can grow cold and hard. In this simple study we consider five amazing things God has done for every Believer.
Colossians 1:11 — Busy and tired. That’s how most of us feel most of the time! In this study we learn that God always has strength for His people. We also learn how that strength gets from God to us.