Sermons on Theology

The Hardest Truth Of All

Jeremiah 17:1-9 — On Wednesday last week a horrific crime was committed on a suburban street in Brisbane. It was a crime that left many shocked, shaken and totally bewildered. The response in the media and elsewhere has highlighted the confusion there is when it comes to the reality of evil and the secular worldview. …

New Bodies

Various Texts — Central to the Christian faith is a belief in the resurrection of the body. However, there is a lot of misunderstanding among Christians about the nature of the resurrected body. In this sermon, Pastor Jaworksi takes us through various Biblical texts that describe what this body will be like, and why it…

A New City

Revelation 21 — “And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven…” In the second-last chapter of the Bible, the Apostle John describes the heavenly city. This is the place where God’s people will dwell with Him forever. In this sermon, we are taken through the vivid details…

Supper With The Traitor

Matthew 26:19-25 & John 13:18-30 — Why did Jesus announce to His disciples that one of them would betray Him? Why did He do so when He never intended to do anything about it? What was Jesus communicating to the men sitting around the supper table that night? What was He communicating to those who would read…

He Loved His Bride

Genesis 23 — Abraham lived for many years in the land of Canaan as a nomad. He moved from place to place with his household and his flocks. When Sarah died he decided to purchase some land in which to bury her. This land would become his family’s ancestral burial ground. The local lord of the…