Sermons by Pastor Peter Mitchell (Page 52)

Dealing With Our Differences – Part 3

Romans 14:13-23 — The Apostle Paul makes it very clear in this text that we are not free to exercise our Christian liberty in matters of conscience whenever and however we please.  We must carefully consider the impact of our decisions upon those less mature in the faith. In this sermon we consider five ways that…

You’re Never Too Old

Luke 2:36-39 — Our society sends mixed messages about growing old.  On the one hand, older folk are encouraged to live very self-centred lives – to “spend the kids’ inheritance”. On the other hand, there is the view that older people have nothing useful to contribute.  …What does the Bible say about ageing? How should older people…

What Makes An Apostle Happy?

Colossians 2:4-5 — In this text Paul mentions two things about the church at Colossae that made him happy – their order and their steadfast faith in Christ.  Evidently the church had not bought into the false teaching they were being exposed to.  The church was strong and yet Paul had a very serious warning…

Mine Eyes Have Seen Thy Salvation

Luke 2:25-35 — When Joseph & Mary came to the Temple with the child Jesus they had a fascinating encounter with an elderly man named Simeon. Simeon had been faithfully waiting for Messiah and had received a promise from the Lord that he would see Messiah before his death. When it finally happened in the Temple…

Dealing With Our Differences – Part 2

Romans 14:1-12 — Christians everywhere acknowledge the supreme authority of Scripture in all matters of faith and practice. Christians also acknowledge the sufficiency of Scripture, so what then are “matters of conscience?” This is an important question when it comes to understanding our Christian liberty. In this sermon we consider how exactly the Bible applies…

Christ Our Righteousness

Luke 2:21-24 — Luke records three rituals that Mary & Joseph performed in accordance with the Law of Moses.  Jesus was circumcised, Mary was purified and Jesus was presented to the Lord. Are these merely minor historical details? Or is there some deeper significance? …In this sermon we discover how these details lie at the very…

Where All Knowledge Is

Colossians 2:3 — This is perhaps the greatest text in the Bible about Jesus. All that Paul has said in chapter one about the Person and Work of Christ has been leading up to this incredible claim. This is what the Colossians desperately needed to understand and to acknowledge and so do Christians everywhere! Christ…

When Sinners Entice You

Proverbs 1:10-19 — With sad regularity we hear reports of young people committing serious crimes in groups.  No doubt some instigate these crimes while many others are pressured or drawn into doing things they never planned to do. …In this passage, Solomon addresses this issue directly. He explains how the call to sin comes, the false…

A Saviour For You!

Luke 2:8-20 — Some of our favourite Christmas carols recall the visit of the angels to the shepherds on the night Jesus was born. This is a very intriguing part of the Christmas story – we’re left to fill in many of the details with our imagination.  While this is true, there are also many…