Sermons by Pastor Peter Mitchell (Page 50)

Complete In Christ – Part 1

Colossians 2:10-11 — The Apostle Paul had a very simple message for the Christians at Colossae. In Christ they already possessed what the false teachers were promising. They had all that was required to live in fellowship with God and to make progress in the Christian life. They didn’t need special diets, religious rituals or…

Jesus & Adam

Luke 3:23-38 — In this text Luke gives us a long and detailed genealogy of Jesus. He traces Jesus’ ancestry right back to Adam and in so doing he establishes Jesus’ connection to significant figures in the Old Testament and to the promises that God made to them. It matters a great deal that Jesus…


Matthew 26:36-57 & Galatians 5:22-23 — Our world today is somewhat confused when it comes to self-control. In some areas of life it is highly prized and in others it is actively discouraged. The Apostle Paul tells us that self-control is the fruit of the Holy Spirit’s work in the Christian’s life and all through the…

Christians Taken Captive

Colossians 2:8-9 — “Beware lest any man spoil you…” This is the second command in Paul’s letter to the Colossians, it’s an exhortation to be alert to false teachers who would rob them of all the benefits and blessings that were theirs in Christ. Paul describes how these teachers would attempt to do that and he…

Pleased With His Son – Pleased With Me

Luke 3:21-22 — The baptism of Jesus was an event filled with symbolism and significance. It marked the beginning of Jesus’ earthly ministry and His presentation to Israel as their Messiah. It also signified His willingness to do God’s will and bear the people’s sin. The Father expressed His pleasure at His Son’s obedience and therein…

The First Imperative

Colossians 2:6-7 — “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him.” This is the first command that Paul gives to the Colossians and all of the previous material in the letter has been building up to it. This is also the first command that every Christian needs to pay attention to. Christ has…

What Wisdom Will Do For You

Proverbs 2:10-22 — In the first half of this chapter (vs.1-9), Solomon promises his son that God would give him wisdom if he applied himself to finding it. In the second half, he describes the good things that wisdom will do for him. Wisdom will deliver him from the “evil man” and the “strange woman”. As…

Human Effort & God’s Wisdom

Proverbs 2:1-9 — Solomon knew the pitfalls his son would face. He knew of the easy counterfeit wisdom to which he would be drawn and so he exhorts his son to pursue true wisdom – the wisdom that comes from God. In speaking to his son, Solomon answers some vital questions for all of us,…

Listen To Lady Wisdom!

Proverbs 1:20-33 — In this text Solomon famously gives a voice to wisdom. She is seen speaking loudly and publicly inviting men and women to receive true knowledge and understanding. Much of what wisdom says points us to Christ and indeed over the centuries many have asserted that wisdom is in fact the Second Person…

What Shall We Do?

Luke 3:10-14 — “Bring forth fruits worthy of repentance.” So said John the Baptist to the crowds who came to hear him preach. In response, the people asked how they might do this. They wanted to know what these “fruits” looked like.  John’s answer dealt with two serious spiritual problems and it revealed what it really…