Sermons by Pastor Brendan Fischer (Page 5)

A Matter Of Life & Death

Exodus 4:24-26 — Before Moses arrived back in Egypt he had a terrifying meeting with the LORD. Moses had not circumcised his son Gershom and the LORD had come in judgment. The circumcision was hastily performed and life was spared but what was this interaction all about?  This is an obscure story in the Exodus narrative…

God’s Perfect Plan

Exodus 4:18-23 — It was time for Moses’ to leave his father-in-law in Midian and return to Egypt. As he was leaving the LORD gave Moses some very specific instructions and He also told Moses what He was going to do. Moses was to perform signs before Pharaoh and bring God’s message. The LORD was going…

What Would It Take?

Nehemiah 4:7-23 — What would it take for us to quit following Christ? How do we endure the opposition that inevitably comes when we try to live as Jesus called us to? Could our view of the Christian life and prayer be hindering rather than helping us? These are the questions we consider as Pastor…

God Is…

Exodus 3:13-15 — What’s in a name? In Bible times names were often highly significant, they revealed something important about a person. So what about God’s name? What is it and what does it mean? In this sermon, Pastor Brendan unfolds to us what we learn about God from the name He revealed to Moses…

Forsaking It All

Exodus 2:11-15a — Moses was raised as a prince of Egypt. He received the finest education possible and enjoyed all the comforts of palace life. But he chose to give it all up to identify with the Hebrew people and deliver them from slavery. However, things didn’t work out as Moses thought that they would…

A Saviour Is Born

Exodus 2:1-10 — The circumstances surrounding the birth and first few years of Moses’ life are truly remarkable. In this sermon Pastor Brendan unfolds them to us in vivid detail and then directs us to the bigger story and that is, the operation of Divine Providence. God was at work in all of the details bringing…

A Call To Build

Nehemiah 2:9-20 — After a lengthy and difficult journey from Sushan, Nehemiah arrived at Jerusalem. It was perhaps the first time he had seen the city and sadly, it was in a terrible condition. With a small group of men he surveyed the ruined walls by night and began to plan the rebuilding work. He then…

Achieving Great Things For God

Nehemiah 2:1-8 — In this text we come to the most critical point in the narrative of the Book. It was against the custom of the Persian court to appear sad in the king’s presence, but this is exactly what Nehemiah did! How did King Artaxerxes respond? What did Nehemiah say when he was questioned? Did…

Powerful Prayers

Nehemiah 1:4-11 — When Nehemiah learned what life was like for those who’d returned to Jerusalem his first response was to pray. How he prayed and what he prayed is recorded in this text and as we study it, we discover the Biblical pattern for prayer. Nehemiah’s prayer has all the the elements of the…

Who Will You Fear?

Exodus 1:15-21 — In Egypt Pharaoh’s word was law. He had the power of life and death. So when he ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill all male children at birth what were they going to do? What would drive their decision? — The fear of Pharaoh or the fear of the LORD?  As we consider…