Sermon Archive (Page 49)

The Sins Of The Strong

Judges 1:27-36 — The LORD had been very clear with His people. When they took possession of their Promised Land they were “to utterly destroy” the Canaanite nations. Israel’s conquest of Canaan would be the means by which God judged these pagan people for their utter depravity and rebellion. Israel enjoyed spectacular success under Joshua’s leadership…

Who Will You Fear?

Exodus 1:15-21 — In Egypt Pharaoh’s word was law. He had the power of life and death. So when he ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill all male children at birth what were they going to do? What would drive their decision? — The fear of Pharaoh or the fear of the LORD?  As we consider…

A Caring Heart

Nehemiah 1:1-4 — The great work that God performed through Nehemiah began with a great work in Nehemiah and that’s what we see in these opening verses. Nehemiah received a report concerning life in Jerusalem and it wasn’t good. God’s people were suffering and this moved Nehemiah to tears. As we consider Nehemiah’s response we…

Reformation Sunday – Sola Scriptura

Genesis 3:1-8 — The Reformation was driven by a fresh emphasis on Scripture and its proper place in the life of the church. The Reformers recognised and confessed that Scripture alone is the final authority in matters of faith and practice. In this sermon Pastor Brendan discusses the doctrine of Sola Scriptura and traces its…

Lessons In Suffering

Exodus 1:6-14 — After centuries in Egypt circumstances changed dramatically for the Children of Israel. A new Pharaoh decided to turn on this group of people that had grown rapidly. He made them slaves and subjected to them to a regime of terrible violence and brutality. These were God’s chosen people, so why did He allow…

Egypt Is Not The Easy Option

Jeremiah 42 — In this chapter we meet a remnant in Judah who survived not only the atrocities committed by the Chaldeans but also the murderous activities of a warlord named Ishmael. Their leaders were ready to take them into Egypt in the hopes of finding safety, security and economic opportunity but before they departed, they…

A Vital Word For Parents

Colossians 3:21 — “Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.” How can we as parents provoke our children? What happens when they are discouraged? Are we raising discouraged children? These are serious questions that this text causes us to ask. In this short Bible study there is a vitally important message for…

But What About Now?

Romans 5:3-4 — Sometimes it seems as though all we have to rejoice in as Christians are those things that await us in the future. We feel like we have to grit our teeth and somehow make it through this life while trying to keep our eyes fixed on the glory that is to come. Is…