Sermon Archive (Page 48)

Would You Have Chosen Mary?

Matthew 1:18-25 — Joseph was engaged to Mary and we can imagine the expectations he had for their life together. Then he discovered she was pregnant. Can you imagine how he must’ve felt? Can you imagine the disappointment and the hurt?  Joseph naturally thought that Mary had been unfaithful and he intended to break off the…

Christ At Bochim

Judges 2:1-5 — The event recorded in this text should probably be more familiar to us than it is. It was unprecedented at the time and is unique in all of Scripture. The “angel of the LORD” came from Gilgal and spoke to the whole congregation of Israel. Who was this angel? Why had he…

A Saviour Is Born

Exodus 2:1-10 — The circumstances surrounding the birth and first few years of Moses’ life are truly remarkable. In this sermon Pastor Brendan unfolds them to us in vivid detail and then directs us to the bigger story and that is, the operation of Divine Providence. God was at work in all of the details bringing…

A Call To Build

Nehemiah 2:9-20 — After a lengthy and difficult journey from Sushan, Nehemiah arrived at Jerusalem. It was perhaps the first time he had seen the city and sadly, it was in a terrible condition. With a small group of men he surveyed the ruined walls by night and began to plan the rebuilding work. He then…

Achieving Great Things For God

Nehemiah 2:1-8 — In this text we come to the most critical point in the narrative of the Book. It was against the custom of the Persian court to appear sad in the king’s presence, but this is exactly what Nehemiah did! How did King Artaxerxes respond? What did Nehemiah say when he was questioned? Did…

The Same-Sex Marriage Survey: A Christian Response

II Timothy 3:12-15 — Today we learned that a majority of Australians are in favour of changing the marriage laws to allow for same-sex marriage. How should we as Christians think about this result? How should we respond to the legal redefinition of marriage that is about to occur?  In this short talk we consider these…

Powerful Prayers

Nehemiah 1:4-11 — When Nehemiah learned what life was like for those who’d returned to Jerusalem his first response was to pray. How he prayed and what he prayed is recorded in this text and as we study it, we discover the Biblical pattern for prayer. Nehemiah’s prayer has all the the elements of the…