Colossians 4:2-4 — Even the great Apostle Paul requested prayer for his ministry. He knew he needed Divine help in fulfilling the call upon His life. In asking the Colossians for prayer, Paul gives us a pattern to follow. This is how we are to pray for the advance of the Gospel at home and around…
John 5:17-18 — Beside the Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem lay a man who had been suffering with a debilitating condition for 38 years. One Sabbath day Jesus met this man and healed him of his illness. When the Jewish leaders discovered him carrying his bed in the temple they were outraged. He had broken the…
Exodus 4:24-26 — Before Moses arrived back in Egypt he had a terrifying meeting with the LORD. Moses had not circumcised his son Gershom and the LORD had come in judgment. The circumcision was hastily performed and life was spared but what was this interaction all about? This is an obscure story in the Exodus narrative…
Colossians 4:1 — “Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.” This is the final command in the Household Code and it is addressed to masters, that is, to slave-owners. Thankfully, slavery no longer exists as a formal legal institution in our society…
Judges 6:25-32 — In this sermon we continue to think about the action Gideon took against the false worship his family was practicing. We see how this prepared him for the greater task that God had for him. If Gideon was going to lead Israel into battle then he needed first of all, to have…
Exodus 4:18-23 — It was time for Moses’ to leave his father-in-law in Midian and return to Egypt. As he was leaving the LORD gave Moses some very specific instructions and He also told Moses what He was going to do. Moses was to perform signs before Pharaoh and bring God’s message. The LORD was going…
Hebrews 1:10-14 — “Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands…” Jesus, the eternal Son, is the Creator. The writer to the Hebrews makes this plain by once again applying to Jesus certain passages in the Psalms. He also teaches us that unlike…
Judges 6:25-32 — Before Gideon led Israel into battle he had to deal with the sin of his own family. The LORD ordered him to destroy the altar to Baal his father owned. What was happening in Gideon’s home was representative of what was happening all across Israel. People had moved from the worship of…
Nehemiah 4:7-23 — What would it take for us to quit following Christ? How do we endure the opposition that inevitably comes when we try to live as Jesus called us to? Could our view of the Christian life and prayer be hindering rather than helping us? These are the questions we consider as Pastor…
Hebrews 1:8-9 — In these verses, the writer to the Hebrews takes us to Psalm 45 as he continues to teach us about who Jesus is. We learn that He is God and we learn that He is exalted above His “fellows.” So what does this mean? Who are these “fellows?” – These individuals who…