Luke 9:25 — “For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?” Every generation has notable examples of what Jesus was talking about in this verse – people who seemed to have gained the whole world but lost themselves. Their massive success brought them only superficial,…
Exodus 12:1-13 — In this passage we have God’s instructions for Israel’s protection from the tenth and final plague. These instructions centred around a lamb, its death and its blood. God was instituting the Passover and in so doing He gave what is perhaps the clearest and most significant picture of the work of Jesus…
Luke 9:23-24 — “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” The twelve disciples were very keen on following Jesus in what they believed to be His imminent Messianic triumph, but their expectations were narrow and naive. Before exaltation and glory there was to be…
Nehemiah 10:1-30 — It is the response after one says “Amen” that truly matters, for that proves the authenticity of what was prayed. A glorious prayer had just been prayed. Confession was made for the sins of the people but it didn’t just stop with prayer, there was practical change. Spiritual reformation began with the people…
I Timothy 1 — In this final introductory study we look more closely at the problems Timothy was dealing with at the church in Ephesus. Some were teaching “other doctrine” – so what was it, and how was it impacting the fellowship? As we consider these questions, we discover that the problem was fundamentally one…
Judges 11:12-28 — Jephthah was brought back from exile to lead God’s people into battle against the Children of Ammon. Before entering the fray, Jephthah had a fascinating dialogue with the King of Ammon and it’s this dialogue that we study in this sermon. Jephthah demonstrated a deep knowledge of Israel’s history in countering the…
Hebrews 2:6 — “But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him?” In this verse the writer to the Hebrews quotes from Psalm 8 where David contrasts the vastness of the night sky with the smallness of man.…
Various Texts — In this study we continue our introduction to the Book of I Timothy. We follow Timothy’s progress with the Apostle Paul on his missionary journeys. We see some of the assignments that Timothy was given and we ask whether he really was “timid” as he is often said to have been. We…
I Corinthians 13:4 — What does it mean when the Bible says that “love is kind?” How would we know if we were truly being kind to those we claim to love? These are important questions that this sermon endeavours to answer by considering the kindness of God. We might think we are a great…
Acts 16:1-3 — It was during Paul’s second missionary journey that we are first introduced to a young man who would become a key part of his ministry team. His name was Timothy and in these verses we learn about his parents, his upbringing, his faith and his graciousness. For the sake of the Gospel,…