The Gospel According To Luke (Page 11)

Jesus – Lord Of The Sabbath

Luke 6:1-5 — Who is sovereign over the interpretation of God’s words? As we seek to understand and apply God’s Law, to whom do we look for guidance? We look to Jesus because it’s His Law. He is the Lord of the Sabbath. That’s what we learn from this text and it’s a very important principle.…

Sola Fide!

Luke 5:36-39 — In response to the Pharisees’ question about fasting, Jesus gave three well-known illustrations. He spoke of a new patch on an old garment, new wine in old wineskins and a person’s preference for old wine over new. The truth communicated in these illustrations is that men and women are right with God…

The Danger Of Misplaced Loyalty

Luke 5:33-35 — In these verses Luke records an interaction that Jesus had with some disciples of John the Baptist. The existence of these disciples at this point in Jesus’ ministry is curious. Why were these people still following John? These disciples had a question for Jesus concerning fasting. The content of this question plus…

Jesus Calls Sinners

Luke 5:27-32 — Levi was a tax collector and that meant he was despised. Tax collectors grew rich by collaborating with the Jewish people’s enemies. Often they were mentioned in the same breath as the “sinners,” that is, they were grouped with men and women who were notorious for their wicked lifestyles. So in this text…

Jesus Christ & The Forgiveness Of Sin

Luke 5:17-26 — This text tells the much loved story of the paralysed man who was let down through the roof by his friends. They were confident that Jesus could heal their sick friend and that’s exactly what He did! There are many wonderful lessons that might be drawn from this story, but the real…

The Lord & The Leper

Luke 5:12-15 — In Jesus’ day, leprosy was not only a painful disease it was a shameful disease to be afflicted with. The sufferer was ceremonially unclean and forced to live outside the city. He had to deal with the stigma of his illness and the emotional toll of being isolated from community life. In this…

Prayer – Not Just A Duty

Luke 5:16 — The New Testament commands Christians to pray. It is a duty that often requires considerable effort and discipline. There are very few Christians who don’t struggle to pray like they know they should. But what we see in this short verse is a truth that has the potential to transform our prayer…

Not Impressed By Jesus?

Luke 5:1-11 — In this text we have the Miracle of the Great Catch which culminated in Peter’s wonderful confession of faith, “Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.”  This was a glorious realisation, but the curious thing is that Peter had already witnessed several displays of Jesus’ divine power, some…

The Apostolic Ministry Of Jesus

Luke 4:38-44 — Jesus had a powerful, personal ministry in the city of Capernaum. Many were healed and many wondered at His authority. His message was authenticated by a multitude of miracles and yet the people did not repent of their sin and believe He was the Messiah. Later on, Jesus said that it would…

A Demon In Church

Luke 4:31-37 — It is an odd thing that our increasingly secular society is fascinated by the supernatural.  Witchcraft, encounters with spirits and demon possession are frequently the subjects of television shows and movies.  The Bible clearly teaches the existence of a supernatural realm of angels and demons but how these are portrayed in popular…