Sermon Archive (Page 65)

The Homicidal Congregation

Luke 4:22-30 — The worshippers in the synagogue at Nazareth were so enraged by Jesus’ sermon that they tried to kill Him. Just moments before they’d been amazed by His gracious words. So what happened and what does this fascinating episode in Jesus’ life have to teach us? How do we respond when God’s Word…

Gospel Partnerships

Philippians 1:5 — How does the New Testament define “fellowship?” Is it similar to the way we use the term today? This is crucial to understanding Paul’s thanksgiving in the opening of his letter to the church at Philippi. In this sermon Pastor Brendan takes us through what the New Testament teaches about fellowship and then…

The Sermon & The Kingdom

Luke 4:14-21 — In the opening months of His public ministry Jesus was admired everywhere He went in Galilee. One Sabbath day He attended the synagogue in His hometown of Nazareth. He read the Scriptures and delivered a sermon that was unlike any His audience had heard before. As we consider the text that Jesus…

Success & Pride

I Chronicles 14 — The Chronicles begin with David’s rise to power. In this chapter David was assured of his rule over all Israel and the King of Tyre sought his friendship. It was at this moment of strength that the Philistines invaded. Their goal was to destroy David before he became too great a threat.…

Praying Like An Apostle

Philippians 1:3-4 — Have you ever paused to consider the wonder of prayer? The fact that we can actually communicate with the Creator of the universe is truly amazing. This is a reality that the Apostle Paul certainly grasped for it is reflected in the quality of his prayer life. As we begin to study Paul’s prayer in…

Where Are Your Priorities?

Ezra 3:1-6 — What was the first thing the remnant built when they returned to Jerusalem? Why was this significant and what does it say about their priorities? They built an altar and reestablished worship according to the Law of Moses. In this lesson Pastor Brendan takes us carefully through the text and then draws…

The Promise Of Prosperity – Part 1

Proverbs 3:9-10 — The witness of the New Testament is that many of the first Christians were faithful and yet desperately poor. How do we square this away with the promises of material prosperity in the Old Testament? These are the promises that Solomon reiterates to his son in this text. In this sermon we begin…

A Man Without An Ego

Luke 4:9-13 — When our ability or intelligence is called into question we are tempted to respond with pride and anger.  Pride is a powerful emotion and it is what Satan aimed to produce in the heart of Jesus in the third temptation. Satan wanted Jesus to prove that He was the Son of God…

Where He Leads I Will Follow

Ezra 1:5-2:67 — In this text we see how a remnant was willing to return from Babylon to what was a difficult set of circumstances in their former homeland. There was a long and dangerous journey ahead. There was lots hard work to be done in rebuilding Jerusalem. God providentially provided for those returning and…

On Whom Are You Leaning?

Proverbs 3:5-8 — There are some who consider faith in God to be a crutch. It is something that people who can’t cope with reality rely upon. But the truth is that everyone is leaning on someone. In this well-known text, Solomon instructs his son to have total trust in God and to acknowledge Him in…