Sermons on Christian Life (Page 15)

The Fire Of God’s Grace

Leviticus 9:1-10:7 — This passage records the first worship service conducted by the priests in Israel’s history. Aaron and his four sons offered sacrifices upon the altar in the court of the newly constructed Tabernacle. At the conclusion of the service, an amazing thing happened. Fire came out from the presence of the LORD and consumed…

The Believer’s Judgment

II Corinthians 5:10 — The wonderful message of the Gospel is that Jesus bore the penalty of sin when He died on the cross. The person who places their faith in Jesus as Saviour is completely forgiven. The penalty of sin is forever removed but that does not mean there is no accountability. The New…

The Precious Word Of God

I Peter 1:22-25 — This lesson begins with a detailed overview of the theology and worship of the Orthodox Church with particular emphasis on the role that icons play. The sad reality is that by its use of icons and other external forms, the Orthodox Church has diminished the role of Scripture. In considering all…

The Perfect Father

Romans 8:15 — When was the last time you paused and considered what it means to actually call God, Father?  Too often Christians ignore this truth or take it for granted and so miss out on a wealth of comfort and blessing. In this sermon, Pastor Brendan explains the wonderful doctrine of adoption and its precious implications.

Personal Evangelism

Of all the things that Christ has called His disciples to do, personal evangelism is among the most challenging! Many Christians find it difficult to share the Gospel with family members, friends, neighbours, colleagues and acquaintances. In this short study, Steve encourages us to speak the Good News and he gives us a number of…

The Only Way To Lead

I Timothy 4:12, Titus 2:7-8 — All of us exercise leadership in some sphere of life. We lead others in the home, the church, the workplace and in our friendships. So what is the key to the kind of leadership that truly benefits others? What does God expect of those He has placed in leadership roles?…

Overcoming Obstacles

II Chronicles 14 & 16 — King Asa faced two obstacles at either end of his reign, one great and one small. He responded differently to each one and it is the stark contrast between his responses that Pastor Brendan draws out in this sermon. In this much loved Old Testament story we find some…