Sermons on Christian Life (Page 12)

Giving Up His Life

Mark 14:53-65 — After His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus faced as many as six different trials. He was examined by the religious authorities and finally by the civil magistrate, Pontius Pilate. As we follow Jesus through these trials one fact becomes apparent, and that is, that Jesus was intent on getting to…

Humble Enough To Be Carefree

I Peter 5:5-7 — Many of us know the command “to cast all our cares upon the Lord,” but do we know what this involves? Do we understand the context? This command comes at the end of an exhortation concerning humility. We can’t hand our cares over to the Lord unless we’ve first dealt with…

Your Own House In Order

Judges 6:25-32 — In this sermon we continue to think about the action Gideon took against the false worship his family was practicing. We see how this prepared him for the greater task that God had for him. If Gideon was going to lead Israel into battle then he needed first of all, to have…

Polytheism Is Still A Problem

Judges 6:25-32 — Before Gideon led Israel into battle he had to deal with the sin of his own family. The LORD ordered him to destroy the altar to Baal his father owned. What was happening in Gideon’s home was representative of what was happening all across Israel. People had moved from the worship of…

A Call To Build

Nehemiah 2:9-20 — After a lengthy and difficult journey from Sushan, Nehemiah arrived at Jerusalem. It was perhaps the first time he had seen the city and sadly, it was in a terrible condition. With a small group of men he surveyed the ruined walls by night and began to plan the rebuilding work. He then…

The Sins Of The Strong

Judges 1:27-36 — The LORD had been very clear with His people. When they took possession of their Promised Land they were “to utterly destroy” the Canaanite nations. Israel’s conquest of Canaan would be the means by which God judged these pagan people for their utter depravity and rebellion. Israel enjoyed spectacular success under Joshua’s leadership…

Who Will You Fear?

Exodus 1:15-21 — In Egypt Pharaoh’s word was law. He had the power of life and death. So when he ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill all male children at birth what were they going to do? What would drive their decision? — The fear of Pharaoh or the fear of the LORD?  As we consider…