Sermons by Pastor Peter Mitchell (Page 49)

A Man Without An Ego

Luke 4:9-13 — When our ability or intelligence is called into question we are tempted to respond with pride and anger.  Pride is a powerful emotion and it is what Satan aimed to produce in the heart of Jesus in the third temptation. Satan wanted Jesus to prove that He was the Son of God…

On Whom Are You Leaning?

Proverbs 3:5-8 — There are some who consider faith in God to be a crutch. It is something that people who can’t cope with reality rely upon. But the truth is that everyone is leaning on someone. In this well-known text, Solomon instructs his son to have total trust in God and to acknowledge Him in…

Jesus Christ Was Born A Jew

Romans 15:8-12 — The Apostle Paul makes it clear in this text that Jesus Christ came as a Jewish man to minister to the Jewish people. He came to confirm the promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but in so doing He also gave the Gentiles great cause for rejoicing. So what was Paul’s…

Dethroning God

Luke 4:5-8 — While He was fasting in the wilderness, Satan came to Jesus a second time and offered Him authority over all the kingdoms of the world. The price was worship. The nations would be given to Jesus if He would fall down and worship Satan, but were these kingdoms Satan’s to give? And…

Complete In Christ – Part 2

Colossians 2:12 — How is the Christian united to Jesus Christ?  How is he/she made to participate with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection? What are the consequences of this union? And what about circumcision, baptism and faith which Paul brings into this discussion? These are the questions explored in this study as we…

Greater Than Adam

Luke 4:1-4 — The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness is yet another captivating story in the narrative of His life. In this sermon we consider the first temptation in which Satan urged Jesus to turn stones into bread. When Jesus resisted Satan’s suggestion He did what Adam failed to do and He did so in…

Christian Ethics

Proverbs 3:1-4 — Our “ethics” is that network of principles and beliefs that informs our decisions about right and wrong, good and bad. Whether we’ve given it much thought or not we all have a set of ethics. So what should this look like for the Christian? In this discourse with his son, Solomon answers this question for…