Sermons by Pastor Peter Mitchell (Page 42)

What Is Hell?

Psalm 22:1, Matthew 27:46. Good Friday — If we do not know what hell is, we cannot truly understand and appreciate what Jesus endured on the cross. He experienced what every soul in hell experiences – the worst of which is the total absence of God’s presence.

A King Riding On A Donkey?

John 12:12-19 — Palm Sunday. “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee… riding upon an ass.” (Zechariah 9:9) We’ve all seen paintings of famous generals and kings riding magnificent horses, but why does this King choose a donkey? What does it tell us about Him and why does it matter?

A Dead Man Walking

John 11:45-57, Mark 10:30-32 — Before Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem that marks the beginning of Passion Week, there was a final journey. Jesus left the peace and safety of Ephraim and set out for Jerusalem knowing full well what awaited Him when He arrived. There is one scene in this final journey, recorded by Mark,…

Bad Heart – Bad Mouth

Colossians 3:8-9a — Jesus taught that what comes out of our mouth comes from the heart. So if we’re going to speak in a way that honours God and blesses others we first have to address what’s going on in our heart. This is what Paul does when he turns his attention to our speech in his…

Glory Be To The Holy Spirit

Romans 5:5 — “And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” The foundation of Christian hope is the knowledge of God’s love. So how do we know that God loves us? The Apostle Paul tells us it is because God the…

Salvation From Sexual Sin

Colossians 3:6-7 — Sadly, many forms of sexual immorality barely raise an eyebrow in our world today and evangelical Christians, though not approving, can become indifferent. They’re not bothered by the sexual sin that is rampant in our community and in the media. In this text the Holy Spirit, via Paul’s pen, gives us a…

They Speak Well Of False Prophets

Luke 6:22-23 & 26 — Our society is becoming less tolerant of traditional Christian teaching on sexuality, marriage, gender and the exclusivity of the Gospel. It is becoming more difficult to publicly affirm what the Bible says, but we shouldn’t be surprised. Jesus told us that persecution is an inevitable part of following Him. He told…

Put Sexual Sin To Death

Colossians 3:5 — In the opening verses of this chapter, the Apostle Paul points us to heaven and the assurance of future glory. He then immediately turns to the present and what we do with our bodies. A Christian who’s mind is set on heaven will mortify his/her members on the earth. The Apostle is…