Reforming Walls & People: A Study In Nehemiah (Page 2)

A Call To Build

Nehemiah 2:9-20 — After a lengthy and difficult journey from Sushan, Nehemiah arrived at Jerusalem. It was perhaps the first time he had seen the city and sadly, it was in a terrible condition. With a small group of men he surveyed the ruined walls by night and began to plan the rebuilding work. He then…

Achieving Great Things For God

Nehemiah 2:1-8 — In this text we come to the most critical point in the narrative of the Book. It was against the custom of the Persian court to appear sad in the king’s presence, but this is exactly what Nehemiah did! How did King Artaxerxes respond? What did Nehemiah say when he was questioned? Did…

Powerful Prayers

Nehemiah 1:4-11 — When Nehemiah learned what life was like for those who’d returned to Jerusalem his first response was to pray. How he prayed and what he prayed is recorded in this text and as we study it, we discover the Biblical pattern for prayer. Nehemiah’s prayer has all the the elements of the…

A Caring Heart

Nehemiah 1:1-4 — The great work that God performed through Nehemiah began with a great work in Nehemiah and that’s what we see in these opening verses. Nehemiah received a report concerning life in Jerusalem and it wasn’t good. God’s people were suffering and this moved Nehemiah to tears. As we consider Nehemiah’s response we…


Nehemiah 1:1 — After taking us through the Books of Esther and Ezra, Pastor Brendan begins a new study in the Book of Nehemiah. In this opening lesson he gives us the historical background to the Book, a brief overview of its contents and then he introduces us to the man Nehemiah.