Sermon Archive (Page 77)

Jesus The Son Of God

Luke 1:26-38 — In this sermon and the one that follows, we consider what Gabriel said to Mary concerning the son she would bring into the world. …As we think about Gabriel’s message we are confronted with life’s most important question – “Who is Jesus?”

The Split At Perga

Acts 13:13 — Luke records that John Mark left the missionary team when they arrived at the city of Perga. Why did he leave? And why would this become a source of great contention between Paul and Barnabas? In this sermon, Brendan answers these questions and points us to our gracious God, who is the God…

Second Only To The King

Luke 1:13-17 — When Gabriel announced the nativity of John the Baptist to his father Zacharias, he said that the child would “be great in the sight of the Lord.”  So what was it that made John great? And why does it matter for us? This is what we’re prompted to think about in this the…

The Marvellous Mystery

Colossians 1:25-27 — Jesus entrusted Paul with the stewardship of a precious body of doctrine that he (Paul) called “the mystery.” So what was it? And why was it a mystery? …In this next study in Paul’s letter to the Colossians, we learn about the mystery and its significance for us today.

God Rescues Nineveh!

Jonah 3:3b-10 — “Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me….” The beating heart of the Book of Jonah is God’s gracious dealings with the people of Nineveh. The city of Nineveh was filled with violence, immorality and idolatry and yet God in His loving kindness sent them a prophet to preach…

John’s Mum & Dad

Luke 1:5-25 — John the Baptist had wonderful parents. Zacharias & Elisabeth were faithful Old Testament saints who lived lives of obedience to the Lord, and yet we see that before John’s birth they had to endure years and years of heartbreak. In this sermon we consider the testimony of John’s parents and we see a…

Responding To A Gracious God

Jonah 3:1-3a — At the beginning of story Jonah said “no” to God and ran away, but now we see Jonah say “yes” to God and go to Nineveh. Why? What changed? Jonah did, and he changed because God was graciously at work in his life.  In this sermon we’re challenged to think about our response…

Suffering For & With The Church

Colossians 1:23b-24 — As Paul served the Lord Jesus he suffered many hardships. He suffered for the church and yet he rejoiced – how was that possible? … Paul also said that as he suffered, he was filling up that which was lacking in Christ’s suffering – what did he mean?  In this lesson we…