Acts 14:1-7 — Spiritual opposition is a reality for every Christian who endeavours to live faithfully for the Lord Jesus Christ. Why does it come? And how should we respond? …This is what we learn as Brendan takes us through the Apostle Paul’s ministry and suffering in the city of Iconium.
Colossians 2:1-2a — What goals should our pastors and elders be working towards? This is a very important question both for church leaders and for the people they serve. …In this part of Paul’s letter to the Colossians, he tells them what he was striving for and he reveals his deep pastoral concern for their…
Proverbs 1:8-9 — The foundation for all that is set set down in the Book of Proverbs is “the fear of the Lord” – it is the source, the fountain-head of all moral knowledge. The first stone that is laid upon that foundation is what we might call “the fear of parents,” that is, being rightly related…
I Corinthians 1:4-9 — There are times when we are disheartened by the condition of our walk with God. We get discouraged by our own sin and selfishness. We know we should be doing better. So what do we do? What do we tell ourselves? …The Christians at Corinth were in very bad shape and yet Paul…
Acts 13:14-52 — The Apostle Paul preached many sermons after his conversion but his sermon in the synagogue at Pisdia is the first we have recorded in Scripture. …In this message, Brendan opens up Paul’s sermon and uses it to teach us about the nature of preaching, our expectations and our responses.
Luke 2:1-7 — The birth of Jesus was preceded by glorious angelic announcements and wonderful songs of praise. So why was He was born in such ordinary circumstances? Circumstances marked by inconvenience, discomfort and poverty? What does this tell us about Jesus and His relationship to us?
Genesis 9:18-29 — In this study, Steve continues to draw lessons for our lives from Noah’s fall into sin. He also explains the curse that Noah pronounced on Ham’s son Canaan. Sadly, this curse has been misunderstood throughout history and used to justify certain racist and oppressive practices.
Proverbs 1:7 — “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge…” This is the foundation of the Book of Proverbs and the foundation of a Christian life that seeks to grow in wisdom. So what does it mean to “fear the Lord?” And what kind of knowledge is Solomon talking about?
Luke 1:67-80 — After the birth of John when Zacharias was finally able to speak, he offered a wonderful song of praise to the Lord. This song closes out the first chapter of Luke’s Gospel and it is all about redemption. God had kept His promises, the Saviour King had come! …Today, those who know Jesus…
Luke 1:57-66 — Isn’t it true that when life is easier we’re more prone to wander? Success, comfort, prosperity, seasons where life goes well, these can all try our faith and commitment to Christ. …For Zacharias & Elisabeth years of struggle and suffering came to an end with the birth of their son. Something wonderful happened…