Sermon Archive (Page 74)

Dealing With Our Differences – Part 1

Romans 14:1-4 — It is inevitable that when Christians come together in the church there will be differences of opinion over matters of conscience.  Wherever the Bible is not prescriptive the Christian has liberty to come to their own conclusions and this is why these differences arise. Thankfully this is not a new phenomenon!  The…

Same Enemy New Name

Esther 3:1-6 — Right from the Garden of Eden, Satan had endeavoured to destroy the Messianic line, the “seed of the woman” who would one day crush his head. …The first two chapters of Esther have set the scene, the opening verses in chapter three reveal yet another episode in Satan’s war against God’s plan…

When Sinners Entice You

Proverbs 1:10-19 — With sad regularity we hear reports of young people committing serious crimes in groups.  No doubt some instigate these crimes while many others are pressured or drawn into doing things they never planned to do. …In this passage, Solomon addresses this issue directly. He explains how the call to sin comes, the false…

A Saviour For You!

Luke 2:8-20 — Some of our favourite Christmas carols recall the visit of the angels to the shepherds on the night Jesus was born. This is a very intriguing part of the Christmas story – we’re left to fill in many of the details with our imagination.  While this is true, there are also many…

Keep The Feast

Exodus 12:1-37 & I Corinthians 5:7-8 — In his first letter to the Corinthians the Apostle Paul dealt with many serious issues in the church, none more serious than the problem he addressed in chapter 5.  When we study this chapter we see him draw from the Old Testament to make a profound point concerning the misconduct of the church.  The exhortation…

To God Be The Glory

Acts 14:8-20 — The missionary team had faced opposition upon opposition but now finally there was an opportunity to receive some personal honour and glory. Would the missionaries take that opportunity? Would they place a greater emphasis on God’s glory or their own?

What A Godly Minister Strives For – Part 2

Colossians 2:2b — The bedrock of the Christian life is assurance. Without assurance of our salvation and of God’s sovereignty we cannot experience the riches God has given to us in Christ.  …Following the Apostle Paul’s example with the Colossians, a godly minister will strive to teach the Scriptures such that God’s people develop this…

The Table Of Nations – Part 1

Genesis 10:1-3 – In Genesis chapter 10 we have extensive genealogies of the sons of Noah, this text is often referred to as the “Table of Nations”. Why have these genealogies been recorded? What was their significance to the Nation of Israel? What can we learn from them today? …In this sermon, Steve demonstrates that…