Sermon Archive (Page 72)

The Shocking Message Of John – Part 1

Luke 3:1-3 — The story of Jesus begins with the story of John the Baptist. In our study through Luke’s Gospel we come to John’s ministry. This sermon considers the world into which John came preaching God’s Word. Who was in charge? Who was responsible for leading God’s people in worship? What was life like in…

“Lo, I Come…”

Psalm 40:1-8 — The Christmas story is much bigger than a baby in manger, shepherds and wise men. It is a story involving the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity. Beginning in Psalm 40 and then moving into the New Testament we consider the theology of Christmas and its great significance for us.

Let It Go

Esther 5 — The inability to forgive and move on is something that plagues our world. It robs people of their peace and joy and it ruins relationships. This inability is clearly seen in the behaviour of Haman and his attitude towards Mordecai. There is much for us to learn as we consider his downward…

The Christ-Centred Life

Hebrews 12:2-3 & I Peter 2:20-23 – How do we remain faithful in the Christian life? How do we respond the right way when we face criticism and hardship? How can we survive and even flourish in Christian ministry? Only by looking to Jesus! …In this short sermon, Pastor Peter outlines three key truths concerning Jesus…

What Difference Does It Make?

Luke 2:41-51 — Did Jesus know who He was? Did Jesus claim to the Son of God? Some say “no” and argue that it was His followers who turned Jesus into a divine figure many decades later. As we continue our study in Luke’s Gospel we come to an incident in Jesus’ life that answers…

What Am I Born For?

Esther 4 — What am I born for? …This question is answered for Esther in this chapter which really is the turning point in the story. Brendan explains this part of narrative focusing on the providence of God and he leads us to think about this question for ourselves.

Are You Committed?

Acts 14:19-21 — Have you noticed that commitment seems to be a dying attribute in our world today? This is evident in just about every area of society and unfortunately the church has not been immune. …As we come to the end of Paul’s first missionary journey, we have a striking example of his unshakable commitment to…

Childhood & Grace

Luke 2:40, 52 — To be a Christian one must affirm the deity of Jesus Christ. The true church has always confessed and defended this truth, but how then do we understand Jesus’ humanity? …As we continue our study through Luke’s Gospel we consider two short statements that tell us some things about Jesus’ childhood…