Sermon Archive (Page 70)

Don’t Forget!

Esther 9:17-10:3 — This is the final sermon in Pastor Brendan’s study through Esther. The last part of the book describes the institution of the Feast of Purim. It was designed as a memorial of the Jews’ deliverance from Haman’s wicked decree. As we consider the details of this feast we are reminded of the vital…

Human Effort & God’s Wisdom

Proverbs 2:1-9 — Solomon knew the pitfalls his son would face. He knew of the easy counterfeit wisdom to which he would be drawn and so he exhorts his son to pursue true wisdom – the wisdom that comes from God. In speaking to his son, Solomon answers some vital questions for all of us,…

The Tower Of Babel – Part 1

Genesis 11:1-2 — The historical context for the Tower of Babel was the disobedience of Noah’s descendants.  Commanded by God to “replenish the earth” they decided instead to settle on the plains of Shinar. In this sermon, Steve explains this context and challenges us about the hard choices and hard things we have to do in…

The D-Day

Esther 9 — The D-Day had finally arrived. The thirteenth day of the twelfth month – the day marked out for the destruction of the Jews. What would happen? Who would triumph? Would this be a day of death or a day of deliverance for God’s people?

Listen To Lady Wisdom!

Proverbs 1:20-33 — In this text Solomon famously gives a voice to wisdom. She is seen speaking loudly and publicly inviting men and women to receive true knowledge and understanding. Much of what wisdom says points us to Christ and indeed over the centuries many have asserted that wisdom is in fact the Second Person…

What Shall We Do?

Luke 3:10-14 — “Bring forth fruits worthy of repentance.” So said John the Baptist to the crowds who came to hear him preach. In response, the people asked how they might do this. They wanted to know what these “fruits” looked like.  John’s answer dealt with two serious spiritual problems and it revealed what it really…

Rejoice In The Lord

Esther 8 — Haman was now dead but the decree to destroy the Jews still stood. How could an irrevocable decree be reversed? What would happen? Who would stand up? How would God work? And what can we learn? These questions are answered as Pastor Brendan continues our study.

Courageous Christians

I Corinthians 16:13-18 — In this text the Apostle Paul gives five final commands to the church at Corinth. These include exhortations to be firm, watchful and courageous.  These commands have always been relevant to the health of every local church. We would do well to keep them in mind as we embark upon a…

Ezekiel’s Wife

Ezekiel 24:15-27 — Ezekiel was God’s prophet to the Jewish captives in Babylon where he was given remarkable visions of God. What we don’t often focus on is that when he was just 34 years old the Lord took his wife and commanded him not to mourn for her. This is a difficult story for us to…

Positive Or Negative Influence?

Acts 16:1-5 — Have you ever thought about who you influence or about how much influence you have? Everybody has some influence either positive or negative and often we have more than we realise. How much Gospel influence do you have on those around you? We are called to consider these serious questions as Pastor Brendan takes…