Genesis 11:27-32 — The journey of Terah’s family from Ur to Haran is more than merely the prequel to the grand story of Abraham’s life. It is an event with rich lessons for our Christian lives as we minster to others and as we experience the hard times that inevitably come.
John 1:1-18, I John 4:1-8 — There is much in our world that reveals a widespread misunderstanding of love. The idea of love that many develop as they move from childhood to adulthood is shallow, or perverted or not really love at all. A false view of love leads to unhealthy relationships and much hurt. We…
Colossians 2:14 — Debt is vital for a healthy economy and a healthy society and yet it is something we would all rather do without! For some, their debt is so burdensome it dominates their life and destroys their relationship. The Bible speaks of sin in a number of ways. It is the transgression of…
I Thessalonians 2:7-12 — The evangelical world is filled with advice for Christian ministry. There are books, websites, DVDs and lecture series that offer insights for every facet of ministry imaginable. Many of these resources are helpful and some are not. Sadly, we see large swathes of the contemporary church taking their cues from popular…
Luke 4:38-44 — Jesus had a powerful, personal ministry in the city of Capernaum. Many were healed and many wondered at His authority. His message was authenticated by a multitude of miracles and yet the people did not repent of their sin and believe He was the Messiah. Later on, Jesus said that it would…
Philippians 1:6 — We are often frustrated and disappointed by the half-finished projects in our lives. We had all the right intentions but weren’t able to see it through. This is the complete opposite of God’s work of salvation. What He begins, He finishes! In this lesson, Pastor Brendan reminds us that God must begin the work of…
Luke 4:31-37 — It is an odd thing that our increasingly secular society is fascinated by the supernatural. Witchcraft, encounters with spirits and demon possession are frequently the subjects of television shows and movies. The Bible clearly teaches the existence of a supernatural realm of angels and demons but how these are portrayed in popular…
I Chronicles 28:1-8 — As King David handed the crown over to his son Solomon, he reminded the people of the covenant God had made with them at Mt Sinai. They would enjoy a long and prosperous life in their Promised Land if they kept God’s Law. David urged the congregation to obey for their…
II Samuel 12:1-15a — “Thou art the man.” …So said the prophet Nathan to King David when he confronted him about his sin with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah. David responded with repentance and received forgiveness from the Lord, but the damage had been done. There would be awful long-term consequences stemming from his sin.…
Genesis 11:10-27 — This passage contains a very precise and detailed genealogy. What we see is a marked decrease in life-span as the generations progress. Why is this so and what does this have to teach us about ageing? In this fascinating lesson, Steve explains the science of ageing and what the Bible has to say…