Sermon Archive (Page 47)

The Sign Of The Cross

Judges 6:11-24, 36-40 — When it comes to asking God for a sign, Gideon is the quintessential example in Scripture. Many of us grew up hearing the story of “Gideon’s fleece” in Sunday School and unfortunately there are those today who misapply his example.   Gideon actually requested a sign from the Lord twice and in…

The New Man At Work – Part 2

Colossians 3:22-25 — New life in Christ is to be lived out in every sphere of life. In this text the Apostle Paul describes what this looks like in the workplace. For the Christian, there is a new way of working (v.22) and a new way of thinking about our work (v.23) – we saw this in…

God Is…

Exodus 3:13-15 — What’s in a name? In Bible times names were often highly significant, they revealed something important about a person. So what about God’s name? What is it and what does it mean? In this sermon, Pastor Brendan unfolds to us what we learn about God from the name He revealed to Moses…

Gideon, God’s Word & You

Judges 6:1-16 — Sadly, it is a familiar refrain in the Book of Judges. The Children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, so the LORD delivered them into the hands of their enemies. On this occasion the enemy was the Midianites, a nomadic people who came into the Promised Land and took…

The New Man At Work – Part 1

Colossians 3:22-25 — We spend a significant portion of our lives at work and sometimes our job is difficult, dull and even dispiriting. Thankfully, the Lord gives us guidance and encouragement and this is what we come to in our study through Paul’s letter to the Colossians. The Holy Spirit, through Paul’s pen, tells us how…

Selling Barak Short

Judges 4 — In the usual telling of this story, Deborah is the hero and Barak is a bit of a coward, but is this right? Do we underestimate Barak’s faith and his courage? That’s what we think about in this sermon and it leads us to some vital truths for our Christian lives. God…

Forsaking It All

Exodus 2:11-15a — Moses was raised as a prince of Egypt. He received the finest education possible and enjoyed all the comforts of palace life. But he chose to give it all up to identify with the Hebrew people and deliver them from slavery. However, things didn’t work out as Moses thought that they would…

The Spirit Of Christmas

Daniel 7:13-14, Mark 10:35-45 — “The spirit of Christmas” is an expression that’s often used at this time of year, but what does it actually mean? What is this spirit? Does it even matter? That’s what we investigate in this sermon beginning in the Old Testament and then moving to an encounter Jesus had with…

Horror In Bethlehem

Matthew 2:1-21 — We tend to forget that there is a tragic element to the Christmas story. There was great joy and rejoicing in Bethlehem and then shortly afterwards there was great distress and sorrow. In a fit of rage King Herod ordered all the boys two-years old and under to be killed and they…