Sermons by Pastor Peter Mitchell (Page 31)

Meet Timothy – And Learn About Grace

Acts 16:1-3 — It was during Paul’s second missionary journey that we are first introduced to a young man who would become a key part of his ministry team. His name was Timothy and in these verses we learn about his parents, his upbringing, his faith and his graciousness. For the sake of the Gospel,…

You Can’t Choose Your Parents

Judges 11:1-11 — In this sermon we begin studying the exploits of the judge Jephthah. The trajectory of his life was, to a large degree, set by the actions of others. His father had an affair with a pagan harlot and Jephthah was born. Because of his parentage, his brothers rejected him and kicked him…

What Good Fathers Do

Ephesians 6:4 & Colossians 3:21 — This is sermon focuses on the positive commands that Paul gives to fathers in these verses. We think about what it means to “bring up” children in the “nurture” and “admonition” of the Lord. These are terms rich with meaning and they help us understand what makes for a…

What Bad Fathers Do

Ephesians 6:4 & Colossians 3:21 — In these two verses the Apostle Paul addresses fathers directly and he tells them not to “provoke” their children and not to “discourage” them. What was Paul talking about? In what ways can a father do this to his kids?  In this sermon we consider eight ways that fathers…

The Anatomy Of Atheism

Psalm 14:1 — “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God…” An increasing number of people identify as having no religious affiliation. This does not mean they identify as atheists but there is no doubt that atheism is increasing in popularity.  The last two decades have seen a slew of books published by…

The Christ Must Be Killed

Luke 9:18-22 — “Whom say ye that I am? Peter answering said, The Christ of God.” Peter’s confession is the foundation of the church. If a person doesn’t share Peter’s belief concerning the identity of Jesus then they cannot call themself a Christian! But what exactly did Peter mean when He said this? What did Peter…

A Day Off Interrupted

Luke 9:10-17 — In this text we have what is probably Jesus’ most famous miracle, the feeding of the 5,000. It is a story many of heard for the first time as little children and we know it well, but have you ever considered the context? Have you thought about what Jesus was doing in…