Sermons on Christian Life (Page 14)

Cynicism & The Christian Life – Part 1

I Corinthians 13:7 — Cynicism is the inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest. A cynical person is overly skeptical, constantly distrustful and generally pessimistic. We live at a deeply cynical time in history. People are more distrustful and contemptuous of institutions than ever before. Unfortunately this attitude can find its way into…

Letters From Jezebel

I Kings 21:1-16 — Letters had come from the queen to the elders of Jezreel. It was her wish that an innocent man be falsely accused and executed. They complied and Naboth died. Why did these leaders do what Jezebel wanted? How will we respond when we are pressured to do something that violates our…

Time & Eternity

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 — How should a Christian think about time? Our life unfolds as a series of events in linear succession. This movement from beginning to end is inescapable. We are, as it were, bound by time and yet we think about realities outside of time. Why is it that we have a sense of…

The Compassionate Christ

Various Texts — One of the beautiful things we see in the Gospels is Jesus’ great compassion. In this sermon, we consider five occasions where Jesus was moved with compassion in the course of His public ministry. We discover that the circumstances that touched His heart, are circumstances we all experience at some point in our…

Love Your Enemies

Matthew 5:43-48 — Of all the things that Jesus calls us to do, loving our enemies is perhaps the hardest! It goes right against our natural desires. We want to repay the evil done to us with evil and not with good! At the same time Jesus gave us this command, He taught us that when…

Every Day Should Be Thanksgiving

Various texts — On the fourth Thursday in November our friends in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving. This holiday is taken very seriously and involves special time with family and lots of good food! It also serves to remind us that thanksgiving is an integral part of the Christian life. In this sermon, Pastor Brendan provides…

A Benediction For The Nations

Psalm 67:1-2 — In the opening lines of Psalm 67, the author quotes from the most famous benediction in the Bible, the priestly blessing in Numbers 6. Even today this benediction is widely used and much loved in Christian worship. The way the Psalmist uses this familiar text is very interesting. It reveals a deep evangelical…