Colossians 1:12-14 — We forget don’t we? We forget what God has done for us through the work of His Son. Our hearts can grow cold and hard. In this simple study we consider five amazing things God has done for every Believer.
Colossians 1:12-14 — We forget don’t we? We forget what God has done for us through the work of His Son. Our hearts can grow cold and hard. In this simple study we consider five amazing things God has done for every Believer.
Colossians 1:11 — Busy and tired. That’s how most of us feel most of the time! In this study we learn that God always has strength for His people. We also learn how that strength gets from God to us.
Colossians 1:6-8 — In this study we learn how the Gospel is spread, how it’s received and what it does. Praise God the Gospel brings forth fruit in us and in all the world!
Colossians 1:3-5 — The Apostle Paul gave thanks for the Colossians’ faith in Jesus and their love for all God’s people. That which animated their faith and love was the hope that was theirs in the Gospel. Every Christian enjoys this glorious hope!
Colossians 1:1-2 — In this study we learn about Timothy and the Colossian Christians. Paul refers to them as “saints & faithful” brethren. Is this how he would address us if he was writing to our local church?
This is our first lesson in a new series. It gives the background to Paul’s letter and discusses the reasons he wrote it – reasons that are highly relevant to our Christian life today.