Sermons by Pastor Peter Mitchell (Page 48)

Part 1 – God Is Love

John 1:1-18, I John 4:1-8 — There is much in our world that reveals a widespread misunderstanding of love. The idea of love that many develop as they move from childhood to adulthood is shallow, or perverted or not really love at all. A false view of love leads to unhealthy relationships and much hurt. We…

Complete In Christ – Part 4

Colossians 2:14 — Debt is vital for a healthy economy and a healthy society and yet it is something we would all rather do without! For some, their debt is so burdensome it dominates their life and destroys their relationship. The Bible speaks of sin in a number of ways. It is the transgression of…

The Apostolic Ministry Of Jesus

Luke 4:38-44 — Jesus had a powerful, personal ministry in the city of Capernaum. Many were healed and many wondered at His authority. His message was authenticated by a multitude of miracles and yet the people did not repent of their sin and believe He was the Messiah. Later on, Jesus said that it would…

A Demon In Church

Luke 4:31-37 — It is an odd thing that our increasingly secular society is fascinated by the supernatural.  Witchcraft, encounters with spirits and demon possession are frequently the subjects of television shows and movies.  The Bible clearly teaches the existence of a supernatural realm of angels and demons but how these are portrayed in popular…

Rest For Restless Hearts

Matthew 11:28-30 — The fourth century theologian Augustine famously said in his Confessions, “Thou has formed us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in Thee.” In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus invites all to come to Him and experience this rest. As we consider Jesus’ gracious invitation we see how…

The Sermon & The Kingdom

Luke 4:14-21 — In the opening months of His public ministry Jesus was admired everywhere He went in Galilee. One Sabbath day He attended the synagogue in His hometown of Nazareth. He read the Scriptures and delivered a sermon that was unlike any His audience had heard before. As we consider the text that Jesus…

Success & Pride

I Chronicles 14 — The Chronicles begin with David’s rise to power. In this chapter David was assured of his rule over all Israel and the King of Tyre sought his friendship. It was at this moment of strength that the Philistines invaded. Their goal was to destroy David before he became too great a threat.…

The Promise Of Prosperity – Part 1

Proverbs 3:9-10 — The witness of the New Testament is that many of the first Christians were faithful and yet desperately poor. How do we square this away with the promises of material prosperity in the Old Testament? These are the promises that Solomon reiterates to his son in this text. In this sermon we begin…