Sermons by Pastor Peter Mitchell (Page 37)

The Spirit Of Christmas

Daniel 7:13-14, Mark 10:35-45 — “The spirit of Christmas” is an expression that’s often used at this time of year, but what does it actually mean? What is this spirit? Does it even matter? That’s what we investigate in this sermon beginning in the Old Testament and then moving to an encounter Jesus had with…

Christ At Bochim

Judges 2:1-5 — The event recorded in this text should probably be more familiar to us than it is. It was unprecedented at the time and is unique in all of Scripture. The “angel of the LORD” came from Gilgal and spoke to the whole congregation of Israel. Who was this angel? Why had he…

The Sins Of The Strong

Judges 1:27-36 — The LORD had been very clear with His people. When they took possession of their Promised Land they were “to utterly destroy” the Canaanite nations. Israel’s conquest of Canaan would be the means by which God judged these pagan people for their utter depravity and rebellion. Israel enjoyed spectacular success under Joshua’s leadership…

Egypt Is Not The Easy Option

Jeremiah 42 — In this chapter we meet a remnant in Judah who survived not only the atrocities committed by the Chaldeans but also the murderous activities of a warlord named Ishmael. Their leaders were ready to take them into Egypt in the hopes of finding safety, security and economic opportunity but before they departed, they…

A Vital Word For Parents

Colossians 3:21 — “Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.” How can we as parents provoke our children? What happens when they are discouraged? Are we raising discouraged children? These are serious questions that this text causes us to ask. In this short Bible study there is a vitally important message for…