Sermons by Pastor Peter Mitchell (Page 35)

Beloved Brothers

Colossians 4:7-9 — Paul’s letters always end with a greeting or a series of greetings. Some, like the letter to the Colossians, have an extensive list of names and some personal messages. In the closing section of Colossians, ten individuals are mentioned and in this study we consider the first two — Tychicus and Onesimus. Paul…

The Jesus Family Intervention

Luke 8:19-21 — Matthew, Mark and Luke all record an incident where Jesus’ mother and His brothers came to where He was teaching in order to speak with Him. Evidently, this was something out of the ordinary – Jesus’ family had some special reason to come and interrupt His public ministry. When Jesus heard that His family…

Always Speaking With Grace

Colossians 4:6 — In this verse the Apostle Paul gives a very simple command concerning the way we communicate. All of our interactions are to be characterised by grace. It’s an understatement to say that we find this difficult – our speech is often what gets us into trouble!  In this brief lesson, we think about…

Take Heed How You Hear

Luke 8:16-18 — In these verses Jesus’ applies the Parable of the Sower to the lives of His disciples. He challenges them to think about the way they hear and respond to the Word of God. Jesus also gives a wonderful promise – greater understanding of divine truth will be given to those who internalise…

Messing Up The Ending

Judges 8:22-35 — Most of us love the story of Gideon and that’s probably because we identify with his struggles. We love the way God ministered to his fears and the way he was used to bring about a marvellous victory. But the sad thing is that Gideon’s story doesn’t end well. He wanted more…

Giving Up His Life

Mark 14:53-65 — After His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus faced as many as six different trials. He was examined by the religious authorities and finally by the civil magistrate, Pontius Pilate. As we follow Jesus through these trials one fact becomes apparent, and that is, that Jesus was intent on getting to…

The Palm Sunday People

Matthew 21:1-11 — Easter is a special season for our church family and it begins with Palm Sunday. The day derives its name from the palm branches that were strewn across the road as Jesus and His disciples made their way to Jerusalem. It was a joyous occasion filled with noisy expectation. In this sermon,…