Sermons by Mr Steven Alvarez (Page 6)

The Table Of Nations – Part 3

Genesis 10:12-19 — As Steve continues to take us through the Table of Nations we come to the nations that God’s people Israel were going to face when they entered the Promised Land.  These were the descendants of Canaan. We see where they appear in the Book of Joshua and elsewhere in the Old Testament narrative.…

Nimrod The Bully

Genesis 10:6-11 — As Steve continues our study through the Table of Nations, we come to a very interesting character – a son of Cush named Nimrod.  The genealogical sequence is broken for a few verses and we are given some information about this man and his exploits.  …What we see in the life of…

The Table Of Nations – Part 1

Genesis 10:1-3 – In Genesis chapter 10 we have extensive genealogies of the sons of Noah, this text is often referred to as the “Table of Nations”. Why have these genealogies been recorded? What was their significance to the Nation of Israel? What can we learn from them today? …In this sermon, Steve demonstrates that…

Lessons From Noah’s Fall – Part 2

Genesis 9:18-29 — In this study, Steve continues to draw lessons for our lives from Noah’s fall into sin.  He also explains the curse that Noah pronounced on Ham’s son Canaan.  Sadly, this curse has been misunderstood throughout history and used to justify certain racist and oppressive practices.