Matthew 28:1-10 — Jesus’ first post-resurrection appearances were to women who had been present at His crucifixion. These women had been Jesus’ disciples and were coming to the tomb on Sunday morning to perform one final act of devotion. Their response when Jesus appeared demonstrates the immense love they had for Him. What about us?…
John 19:7 — “We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God.” So said the the chief priests in their quest to persuade Pilate to order Jesus’ death. They argued from their law, but who did that law really accuse and condemn? Who deserved to…
Matthew 26:14-16 — On the Wednesday evening of Passion Week Judas Iscariot went to the religious leaders in Jerusalem and offered to deliver Jesus into their hands. That night a dirty deal was done, a deal inspired by Satan. The sinfulness of the human heart was revealed in all its ugliness as was the unseen war…
Proverbs 3:1-4 — Our “ethics” is that network of principles and beliefs that informs our decisions about right and wrong, good and bad. Whether we’ve given it much thought or not we all have a set of ethics. So what should this look like for the Christian? In this discourse with his son, Solomon answers this question for…
Matthew 21:1-11 — The most important week in the life of the Lord Jesus began with His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The crowds welcomed Him with much fanfare and acclaim but did they really know what was going on? Do we know what was going on? In this sermon Pastor Brendan carefully unfolds to us the…
Colossians 2:10-11 — The Apostle Paul had a very simple message for the Christians at Colossae. In Christ they already possessed what the false teachers were promising. They had all that was required to live in fellowship with God and to make progress in the Christian life. They didn’t need special diets, religious rituals or…
Ezra 1:1-4 — In the opening verses of the book of Ezra we witness the remarkable fulfilment of several prophecies given centuries before. These prophecies concerned the captivity of God’s people and the pagan king who would be instrumental in their return. This text serves as a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness and our need…
Luke 3:23-38 — In this text Luke gives us a long and detailed genealogy of Jesus. He traces Jesus’ ancestry right back to Adam and in so doing he establishes Jesus’ connection to significant figures in the Old Testament and to the promises that God made to them. It matters a great deal that Jesus…
Matthew 26:36-57 & Galatians 5:22-23 — Our world today is somewhat confused when it comes to self-control. In some areas of life it is highly prized and in others it is actively discouraged. The Apostle Paul tells us that self-control is the fruit of the Holy Spirit’s work in the Christian’s life and all through the…
Colossians 2:8-9 — “Beware lest any man spoil you…” This is the second command in Paul’s letter to the Colossians, it’s an exhortation to be alert to false teachers who would rob them of all the benefits and blessings that were theirs in Christ. Paul describes how these teachers would attempt to do that and he…