Sermon Archive (Page 60)

The One Isaiah Saw – Part 1

John 12:35-41, Isaiah 6:1-10 — The response to Jesus’ public ministry of proclamation was generally one of unbelief. The people of Judea and Galilee did not believe that He was the Messiah, the Son of God. The Apostle John tells us that this response was in-keeping with what the prophet Isaiah had said some 700…

The Millennial Kingdom Of Christ

Revelation 20:1-10 — The Bible teaches that upon His return, Jesus will establish a physical kingdom upon the earth. Satan will be bound and Jesus will reign in righteousness for a thousand years. What is the purpose of this earthly kingdom? What will life be like? These are the questions that Steve explores as he…

Every Day Should Be Thanksgiving

Various texts — On the fourth Thursday in November our friends in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving. This holiday is taken very seriously and involves special time with family and lots of good food! It also serves to remind us that thanksgiving is an integral part of the Christian life. In this sermon, Pastor Brendan provides…

The One Who Spoke To Moses

Exodus 1:1-14, 3:1-22 — We all know the famous Nativity scene. By this time of year there is probably one set-up in our local shopping centre! But who exactly is the baby laying in the manger? Why all the fuss about His birth? These are the questions we’re going to explore in this Christmas series. In…

Wisdom, Creation & The Christian Worldview

Proverbs 3:19-20 — As Solomon continues to write in praise of wisdom, he says to his son that “the LORD by wisdom founded the earth.” In making this statement Solomon tells us about the nature of God’s creative work. God intentionally, thoughtfully and with great skill created the universe and this has immense implications for the…

Who Does What?

Philippians 2:12-13 — Growth and progress in personal holiness is something every Christian desires. Our aim is to become more and more like our wonderful Lord Jesus, but is this God’s work or ours? Are we active participants or passive recipients in this process? This is what the Apostle Paul answers for us in this…

A Benediction For The Nations

Psalm 67:1-2 — In the opening lines of Psalm 67, the author quotes from the most famous benediction in the Bible, the priestly blessing in Numbers 6. Even today this benediction is widely used and much loved in Christian worship. The way the Psalmist uses this familiar text is very interesting. It reveals a deep evangelical…

The Exalted Christ

Philippians 2:9-11 — “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him…”  Jesus, the Divine Son of God, submitted to His Father’s will and humbled Himself. He went all the way to the cross but that was not the end. His humiliation was followed by exaltation. Jesus was restored to His pre-Incarnate glory and raised to an…

Does Jesus Make You Angry?

Luke 6:6-11 — Jesus healed a man with a deformed hand in a synagogue on the Sabbath day which made the Pharisees angry. They left the synagogue and immediately began planning to destroy Him. In this sermon, we consider the reasons why the Pharisees were angry and we discover that these reasons actually reveal the…

Examining Ezra

Ezra 7:1-10 — How much do you know about Ezra? (Probably not as much you should!) As we continue our study through the Book that bears his name, we learn about the historical importance and significance of this great man of God. We discover the key to his success, which just happens to be the key to our…